Tuesday, December 9, 2014

All in a days work

Wow! Yesterday I was back in business but because I haven't been in business for a while I was exhausted. I was back with my workout group after a two and a half week hiatus due to sickness and marathon recovery. Though I had some anxiety about actually working out and lifting those ten pound weights again, overall I was excited. But all that excitement slowly chipped away when we worked out in the sand pit. Grrr. First day back and I'm already starting in high gear. Surprisingly I was able to keep up but I knew my body was going to be aching today. By the end of the workout my muscles were shaking like jell-o in an earthquake.

After the workout I chased my little one around the house for a bit before her nap. It seemed as though her speed was much faster than normal. I know she was excited about going back to the workout group to see her friends so maybe that got her energized. And even though she was right there with me in the sand and out the sand, her 19-month old muscles weren't screaming at her.

Finally her nap! Nap time is my favorite time. I can eat without sharing, no tantrums are being thrown and I don't have to fill every second of every minute with activities. During yesterday's nap I tried to tackle two things on my list.
1. Crochet some more of the blanket I'm making (yeah, still not done with that)
2. Meditate

Yes I actually wanted to meditate and I actually did it. I put on some music, sat on two pillows in my living room, closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing. Believe it or not I used to meditate when I was a kid. My mother is a very spiritual person and raised me the same way. I've always known about crystals, meditation, reiki, chakras and all that. Recently I've been wanting to have that spiritual connection again so I told myself that I would make the effort. I kept getting distracted and had to re-shift my body a couple of times. After what felt like three minutes I got up and checked the time. Fifteen minutes had gone by! Sweet! And just in time for little one to wake up from her nap. I can do this every nap time.

Once little one got up from her nap then we had to pick my oldest up from school. We got home and I took the little one for a stroll around the neighborhood.We played some more and before I knew it it was her bedtime and time to get started cooking. While I was cooking my energy was slowly depleting. After I ate I knew I was down for the count. My wife said, "Just go to bed". Guess what time it was, 8:50! Without hesitation I got right into bed and within minutes I was out.

And to think, I haven't even started running yet.

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