Sunday, January 18, 2015

New PR!

Yesterday I crushed my previous half marathon time! I couldn't even believe it! Last year, close to this time, I ran my first race which was also a half and finished in 2:17:59. Though I only trained for about two months I figured I would be able to run the race close to two hours. I was soooo wrong. Not that my training didn't prepare me for the distance but training and racing are two different experiences (which I didn't know at the time). I was so excited and anxious that I shot out the starting line way faster than I planned which meant that I crashed sooner too. 

Well experience has gotten me more prepared and this year I was ready to set a new PR. My new half marathon finish time is 1:56:39! 

My family came out to support me.

Sub 2

Me and my friend set a new PR. We're on fire!

There were many factors that helped me to achieve this new time. First, mother nature was on my side cause the temperature was about 60 degrees. Second, my eating has been MUCH better all around than it was last year. And third my confidence is much higher than it was last year. I paced myself for for the first eight miles and then I increased my pace for the last four miles. My legs were feeling good, a bit tight but nothing that would cause me any issues. Around mile 11 I realized that I would be able to finish in less than two hours, so I ran a bit faster. Once I heard the music and the announcer, I focused on the finish line. I saw the clock and knew that I could make it under two, so I sprinted to the finish line. 

Seeing that number and feeling as good as I did I couldn't even believe that I am now in the under two hour half marathon category. I can't wait to see how well I do next year!

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