Friday, October 3, 2014

Penny for my thoughts

Today I thought it would be fun if I could bring you into my mind (scary) and share the thoughts I have when I'm running. Lately I've been getting into conversations about my marathon training with non-runners which, as we runners know, can be a bit touchy. The main question that I get asked is: What in the world do you think about for your entire run? Well I'll tell you!

Here's a sample of some thoughts I have for a 13 mile run:
I've done 13 miles tons of time, this is no problem
Why do I get up so damn early to run? 
I'm so tired. I really should just go home and sleep
What's my pace? I should start slow and then work on negative splits as I increase my miles
10:30 pace?
I could crank it up a bit faster
NO! Don't go fast now, it will only hurt me in the end
Besides, this isn't the race. I just need to finish the 13 miles not set a PR
(see another runner in the distance)
Another runner
Do I say good morning?
If they say nothing back I'll be pissed
I'll just see if they say something
(runner passes with no response)
SEE! I would've wasted precious oxygen on an unresponsive good morning!
Maybe I should have said good morning
I hope that person doesn't think I'm mean
Great, now if I get injured or in trouble that person won't help me cause I didn't say good morning
Wait! Don't project negativity during a run, positive thoughts
I won't get injured and I won't be in trouble
Okay what was I thinking about before?
I should think about a song to keep on an even pace
"Yonce' all on his mouth like liquor, Yonce' all on his mouth like liquor"
What does that even mean?
I wonder if Beyonce' runs
Oprah did a marathon
What was Oprah's time?
Gotta remember to Google Oprah's marathon time
Should I strive for a Boston qualifying time even if I won't run in Boston?
Boston must be a great city to run in
It's too hot in South Florida
Boston is cool and breezy and there's hills
I only have bridges
This heat is crazy
Does it get hot in Kenya?
I'm sure it does
Gotta remember to Google Kenya's weather when I get home

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