Friday, September 19, 2014

My moon was in muscles, my sun was in stamina and all the stars were aligned.

Have you ever had a run that was so ideal and, dare I say, perfect that you couldn’t believe that you actually ran? Well that was my run yesterday and it was divine! At the start of the week I had been battling some female issues and my runs were not getting easier to handle. To top things off for the next seven weeks of my training plan, six miles will be my daily mile average each week (minus my long and recovery runs). I don’t know about you but for me six miles toes the line of not too short a run but not too long. Four miles is a breeze but anything past that and I’m ready to throw in the towel.

Tuesday was the first day for my six mile extravaganza and it wasn’t that bad. I started a bit later in the morning so the heat had already caught up with me, but I was prepared for that. I ran at a park that I normally take my 16 month old to play at but I had never run the trail that encircles the park. While it was a good trail it was very short so I had to run around it a couple of times (and get creative and run off the trail a bit) in order to get my full six miles in. Wednesday was rough! After my morning workout with the moms I decided to run. Running after the workout wasn’t the problem, it was the heat once again. I was gulping down water like a fish and simply couldn't keep my heart rate in the range I wanted to. I took many walking breaks and even slowed my pace but decided to end the run and finish it later that evening.

I was beginning to think that this next month of running six miles was going to be more of a challenge than I thought. Yesterday was an easier day prior to my run. My oldest daughter had a half day at school, so I didn’t have to get up and get out the door before the sun rose. I decided to not go to the workout with the moms and do a workout at home (which still kicked my butt). I also didn’t take my little one to the park and just stayed at home and played with her instead. My wife was cooking dinner that night so I was off chef duties (I LOVE those days). I decided to run around 5pm and the minute I walked out the door the run was a breeze.

My pace felt slow but comfortable, my breathing wasn't hard and my mind was clear. Halfway through my run it started to rain. Not a problem at all! If all the conditions are right running through the rain can be glorious! Right conditions being: 1. not too cold 2. not too hot 3. preferably later in the day 4. start in the middle or towards to end of the run All those boxes were checked and it gave me a second wind that I didn't even need. Before I knew it I was turning the corner to my street and the run was almost over. I was in such a great mood that I didn't even mind that a truck driver almost ran me over as I was crossing the cross walk (that's an entirely different story). Maybe it was my positive attitude, maybe it was my great lunch and protein shake earlier that day. I have no idea what the secret ingredient was but if only I could bottle it and store it I could be rich.

Don't you just love a great run?

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