After joining my group of exercising moms three months ago, I have very rarely missed a day with them. Two days ago I had to miss a workout to take my little one to the pediatrician for her shots. Fun! Mondays are normally my days off from running but I still cross train. While I was bummed that I would miss chatting with the ladies, I knew I could still workout towards the end of the day. But do you know what often happens with plans? Especially plans that involve rearranging your daily activities when a toddler is involved. Yeah they usually never go the way that you want them to.
Once I got home from the doctor's appointment I had to put little one down for a nap. During her nap I decided to watch a movie rather than write a new blog entry cause I wanted to get a chance to eat a decent lunch and drink a nice, HOT cup of coffee. After lunch was over it was time to pick up my oldest daughter from school. My wife was home so I could let little one continue her nap. I got back home and had to start getting dinner ready for the night. Fortunately it was homemade pizza which, by this point, takes me no time to make since I make pizza almost every week.
The time from three o'clock to six o'clock is a weird time. My oldest is doing homework, my little one is running around after her nap and my wife is usually still working so I have to strategically plan my dinner prep and play time accordingly. But I had already made dinner and decided that once little one was down for bed that I would get my workout in via television. My wife didn't get a chance to workout either and decided to join me. Here is where the plan goes off the trail.
My wife was tired, little one was NOT wanting to get ready for her bed time, plus I had to wait a bit since I ate some pizza. I felt the workout slipping from my hands. Then my wife said, "Why don't we skip the workout today?" *pause* Skip a workout?! Are you crazy!? Outside I was as cool as a cucumber but inside I was going mad. Workouts could only be missed under serious emergencies, not poorly planned days. Then she said something else that made me reconsider. "You rarely take a full rest day so I think you should give your body a rest."
A FULL rest day? Hmmm..... maybe she's on to something here. So I did just that. I decided to not workout, not write a blog entry, not be overly concerned about my run the next day. I took a rest for my body and my mind and it was amazing. This rest thing is great. Maybe I should do more of these in the near future.
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