Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's getting hot out here, but don't take off your clothes

Summer is here and many of you reading this blog are in areas where the heat is rising. Last summer was the first time that I've ever run in the South Florida heat and it was rough. There were a lot of things I did that weren't safe, so for this post I wanted to share some of my summer running tips.

  • Stay hydrated - This is obvious but so many people forget this very important tip. Make sure that you drink lots of water before, during and after your run. I have a 16 ounce container that I fill up and drink out of for my runs. Something that you may or may not be aware of is to start hydrating that day BEFORE your run. There are so many articles about how much water you should drink. Rather than measure and count glasses I just drink nothing but water the day before and the day of my run, that way I know I'm getting hydrated.
  • Run early in the morning or late in the afternoon/evening - Last year all of my running took place in the morning just because I wanted to get it out of the way and done. This year my runs are in the evening. Either way I'm avoiding the worst part of the heat which for me is from 9am till about 6pm. Early morning or evening runs keep you out of direct sunlight and high temperatures. Just make sure that if you are running when it's dark outside to wear bright clothing and/or some type of light and have a partner if possible. 
  • Wear thin running clothes - Since I live in Florida just about all of my running clothes are for warm weather. Wear tank tops or breathable shirts. You might even have to ditch the shirt in order to keep cool. Sometimes wearing a shirt in the heat can make you hotter. As your body temperature you'll start to sweat to keep you cool, but if you wear a shirt you might be trapping the heat in. Also avoid black. Even if the sun isn't out I've noticed that after a run my black pants are warmer to the touch than my pants or shorts in other colors.
  • Plan ahead - I wear a hat to keep the sun out of my face and to absorb the sweat on my forehead. The night before a run I put my hat in the freezer so that by the next day it's nice and cool for my run. Another great idea is to roll up a couple of ice cubes in a hand towel. You can wrap the towel around your neck or put it under your hat so that when the ice cubes slowly melt you'll stay nice and cool.
  • Have a small spray bottle - Buy a small spray bottle and fill it with cold water. Depending on how long your run is you can either hold it in your hand or attach it to a belt. Every so often spray your face, back of your neck and arms with cold water. Your sweat will keep you cool and the spritz of water will keep you extra cool.
  • Wear sunscreen - This isn't a tip for keeping cool but it is SO important. You really should wear sunscreen anytime you are exposed to the sun, that means in the winter as well. Lather up at least 30 minutes before you run on any area that will be exposed. I'll be honest, I initially hated doing this for every run but it is necessary. If you are always waiting for your GPS to kick in before your run, use that time to put your sunscreen on. The more you do it, the more it will become habit. 
Each season has it's own challenges that every runner will have to adjust to but it shouldn't stop you from being able to run all year round. Take all the necessary precautions, be prepared and listen to your body. Apply some of these tips or create your own but just make sure that you keep cool when it gets hot.

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