Many of you may, or may not, know my struggles with sugar. If you don't, you can read about it here. I love all things sugary and I have since I was a kid. Though I have been much better about my sugar consumption overall, it's still a struggle to keep the sugar monster at bay. So what are my weaknesses?

Cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, gelato, pastries, Nerds candy (hands down my favorite of all which is just crystallized sugar), and recently chocolate. I mean if you look at this list alone you can see why I needed a break from the stuff. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't eating all of this on a regular basis. I showed some restraint on many occasions but since I run and work out, I always figured I could treat myself to a cookie or a cupcake after lunch... and dinner... and in between lunch and dinner.
So on the 15th of March my wife and I decided to eliminate as much sugar from our diet as possible. While the withdrawal was unbearable for the first week and a half, pretty soon we were able to coast through the remainder of our challenge. We even decided on a reward for ourselves if and when we completed the challenge. Stay tuned to find out what the reward is.
In the 21 days I managed to lose about two pounds and noticed some more "cuts" in my muscles. Now that we're finished we talked about what we intend to do from this point on. My wife has a bit more restraint when it comes to passing on cookies than me so our plans will be more individualized. I'm thinking about having some reward treats either every two weeks or once a month. I haven't decided yet.
But to celebrate the end of our challenge we had to have some sweet treats! So for dinner I made vegan carrot cake pancakes with a vegan cream cheese sauce. I didn't take pictures of them cause as soon as they were done cooking, we devoured them! Ahhhh sugar. How I missed you.
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