Tuesday, March 31, 2015

There's no place like... somewhere else

My Facebook friends LOVE to post quiz results from various quizzes that they've taken. For the most part I ignore them (I don't want to know what Disney princess I'm more like), but the other day someone posted this quiz about running and I was intrigued. 

On the Runner's World website you can find a quiz called What's Your Perfect Running City? I was curious as to what my city would be so I decided to take the quiz. When I started answering the questions I realized that I would have to answer things based on my experiences with running and not what I would imagine my experiences to be. Living in South Florida means that what I encounter in terms of weather and temperature are completely rare when it comes to the rest of the United States. I don't run on hills, I don't have to deal with the cold and snow and while it rains quite a bit during the summer, it never lasts the entire day. 

With that said I assumed that based on my answers I would get a city somewhere in the south, but I couldn't have been more wrong. My perfect running city is:


image source = Space_Needle002.jpg
A city that is on the complete opposite end of the U.S. from where I live now. Seattle has hills, Florida doesn't. Seattle gets cold, Florida doesn't. Seattle has tons of rain and is gray most of the year. Florida rains mostly in the summer for a couple of hours at a time and it's sunny 90% of the year. Maybe I should stick to my no quiz rule. :)

Take the quiz and share your results. 

What city should you run in?

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