A couple of weeks ago there was a major situation on the internet about the six pack mom. Did you hear about this? A woman by the name of Abby Pell posted a picture of herself on Instagram with her six-year-old daughter pointing at her amazing abs.
Well guess what folks!? This picture pissed a lot of women off and they said that she was fat shaming. Some woman even went as far to say that she was exploiting her motherhood to show off her body. Seriously? Oh and my favorite dig was that she obviously doesn't have a job. Cause that is a viable reason for having abs chiseled by DaVinci himself. This reminds me of the Maria Kang situation two years ago when she posted this picture on her Facebook page.
Women came out and said that she was also fat shaming and being a bully. It was also said that she is narcissistic and cares more about her body than she does her kids. Wow!
Come one people! Sorry, let me rephrase that. Come one ladies! Why are we so hard on one another? Why can't we be proud of the achievements that someone else has accomplished and see inspiration and motivation in what they have done? No. Some women would rather trash someone else and post mean comments form the safety of their computer. I want this to stop. I want us, as women, to be proud and support other women.
The media and corporations want to keep us separated and fighting one another. It's beneficial and profitable for them that we stay at odds with one another. The fact that these two stories went viral is a clear indication of that. I remember seeing Maria's picture and thinking, "Wow! You go girl! What kind of workouts did she do to get those kind of abs?" I didn't think, "Hmm Ms. Kang. Are you trying to say that I have excuses for not being Ms. picture perfect like you? Well guess what I think you're being a meany."
I certainly know how difficult it is to get in shape when you have children. While I didn't carry my youngest I certainly gained weight along with my wife. There were years and years of bad eating habits and being sedentary. I never blamed someone else. I knew that if I wanted to make any changes and see any results that I would have to start with me first. I get a bit deeper into my own personal journey with weight in this post.
Finding time to run, workout and do all of the house duties is a constant challenge. I'm not saying that I have it harder than anyone else. I think each person has their own challenges that make getting things done a bit difficult. One of the reasons why I'm able to run and workout is because of my wife. She is an amazing support when it comes to me being able to have time to myself. We work as a team when it comes to the house and our kids and if that was not the case I probably wouldn't be a runner and I certainly wouldn't have time to blog.
There are a lot of women (some I know personally) who find time to get their fitness in but sometimes life happens and you have to roll with the punches. What is amazing about these women is that they continue to work on being healthy. Everything that you do in life is a choice. What is important no matter what you choose is that you are happy (or at least content) with the choices you make. And if you aren't happy, then see what you can do to change things. But in the midst of all this, don't trash someone else who has worked hard to get where they are. You never know the struggles someone went through to get to the result that you see. And if it still bothers you to the point that you want to post something online, then shut off your computer.
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