I have finally made it out of the land of the undead to the land of the living. No I did not become a zombie and was miraculously cured, though I certainly felt like one for the past four days. I have officially gotten over my cold. After my long run two Saturdays ago I was gearing up for my two week taper. I was actually looking forward to my shorter runs. I was counting the days till my taper and kept saying that I couldn't wait till I could dial it down a bit and really rest. Well I should know by now that I need to be careful of what I wish for because I got some serious rest all right.
Sunday morning my wife got hit with a super mean headache which transformed into a head cold. Unfortunately that very same day my little one started getting the sniffles and had a runny nose. This was her first cold. For eighteen months I think we did pretty good by keeping the germs at bay but she wasn't able to escape the cooties this time around. My oldest daughter and I were on nursing duties and I was determined to not get sick. I drank tons of water, ate lots of oranges and gobbled down any healthy remedies that I knew of. I made some chicken soup for the entire family and kept making sure that my wife and the little one were doing all right.
By Tuesday my wife started feeling much better and my little one (who did not let a runny nose stop her) was doing well. But then late in the night I felt it. I didn't want to say it out loud because I didn't want to confirm what I was feeling. The damn scratch in my throat. NOOOOO! What went wrong? I was drinking water like a fish, I was eating healthy, I even quarantined my wife (sounds so harsh but I did it with love). Why was this scratch in my throat? Then to make matters worse my oldest daughter said SHE started feeling bad and noticed her throat was sore as well. Great!
Wednesday was not that bad and though my throat was a bit sore I could still function. There was still hope that this would pass me. I kept drinking water and eating chicken soup. With my wife feeling much better she decided to take charge and made me take it easy. Our oldest daughter stayed home from school and we were all on a mission to kick this cold. But by Wednesday night the minor sore throat I had was becoming a full blown head cold with sinus pressure like you would never believe. My face felt like it was in a vice. Yeah, my face, not my head. It was as if I had gotten cement injections. Forget Botox ladies, this will make you look young forever! Oh, but you'll also feel like crap.
Thursday and Friday were complete hell. Whenever I get a cold my hip joints always feel like they're on fire. Walking is painful and there is no resting position that feels good. I'm miserable. By the time Saturday came I told myself that I HAD to get better. There was no choice. My race was coming up in a week, Thanksgiving was less than a week and I hadn't even touched the pavement since last Saturday. My sore throat was gone but I still had a lot of sinus congestion. I took more medicine (which I hate) and just kept thinking positive thoughts. Fortunately my oldest daughter was already starting to feel better and was tackling the work that she had missed in school. My wife still had a cough but was getting better with each day. Little one (who only had a runny nose, thank goodness) still hadn't stopped running around and was kinda confused as to why everyone else wasn't their normal happy selves.
Sunday morning came and I could finally feel some relief. I was able to breathe through one nostril and the sinus pressure that was plaguing me was a mere fraction of what it was days ago. My mom and step-dad came by and I think having them around with the change in routine helped lift my spirits. Later that night I was back to my old self again. Well not completely but close enough that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. As for my taper, the first week was non-existent. I didn't run one single mile for the entire week. I did get a chance to workout on Tuesday before the cold really hit me. I think that made matters worse because I did weight training and for the bulk of my cold I also had to deal with soreness. Not fun.
So now my race is on Sunday and I still have to taper for this week. I will obviously keep it very easy considering I'm just getting better from a cold but wow! Talk about an ultimate taper!
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