Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SAHP humor

So I wanted to post something funny and since I am a Stay-At-Home-Parent I thought it would be cool to post something about what we moms and dads go through. The decision to stay at home is not an easy one and yet most people think that all we do is sit on our butts all day and watch television. If you have gotten any crazy responses from strangers about what you do please let us know. In the mean time please check out some of the things that we feel as SAHP.

Cleaning the house never ends.

You wake up and find yourself counting down the hours till the next nap time.

You'd rather spend the day in your night clothes than create more laundry.

Why carry a purse when everything you have can fit wonderfully into a diaper bag...

You finally get a chance to go out and buy something for yourself and you can't think of anything else but what to get the kids.

You'll stay up late so you can have some "me time".

You look forward to play dates to have adult conversations which turn out to be talking with perfect strangers about what your children have in common.

Going to the grocery store is exciting.

You can't think of anything else you would rather do.

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