Saturday, March 29, 2014


As if I need another thing to keep me occupied and eat up some of my free time I have started a new crochet project. I recently completed a blanket for my ten month old and decided to do one for my thirteen year old. Before my oldest daughter was born I made her a baby blanket. The blanket was nothing intricate, just some squares that I sewed together, but she carried it with her well into kindergarten. We moved and the blanket was lost which hurt me more than it hurt her. I knew I wanted to make her a new blanket but never could figure out what to make.

It helps to have a teenage daughter as nerdy as me because when I came across this blanket I simply HAD to make it.

I just started (I'm at row 5 or 6) so there isn't much to show but as I get further into the project I'll take some pictures and give you updates. Hopefully it will turn out as good as this. I'm more a knitter than a crocheter so keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SAHP humor

So I wanted to post something funny and since I am a Stay-At-Home-Parent I thought it would be cool to post something about what we moms and dads go through. The decision to stay at home is not an easy one and yet most people think that all we do is sit on our butts all day and watch television. If you have gotten any crazy responses from strangers about what you do please let us know. In the mean time please check out some of the things that we feel as SAHP.

Cleaning the house never ends.

You wake up and find yourself counting down the hours till the next nap time.

You'd rather spend the day in your night clothes than create more laundry.

Why carry a purse when everything you have can fit wonderfully into a diaper bag...

You finally get a chance to go out and buy something for yourself and you can't think of anything else but what to get the kids.

You'll stay up late so you can have some "me time".

You look forward to play dates to have adult conversations which turn out to be talking with perfect strangers about what your children have in common.

Going to the grocery store is exciting.

You can't think of anything else you would rather do.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gotta get the gear

While I try to say that I'm not into gadgets, I can't help but be drawn to shiny new toys. Once anyone in my family really gets into a new hobby or discovers a new interest we always get the gear for whatever that activity is. This reminds me of the Portlandia skit when Fred and Carrie decide to go hiking. Take a look.


So it was only appropriate that once my wife and I got serious about running together that we would "get the gear". Check out our new toy.

This is the B.O.B. Revolution SE and I can't even imagine what life was like before this stroller. Can you believe I actually ran with a regular stroller rather than a jogger! *laughing* Yeah, crazy! Now when I have to run with the baby I don't moan and groan at the thought of pushing a 70 pound stroller (baby weight not included) on the trail. I could go into detail about this jogger but you could just look it up on the internet. All that you need to know is that if you happen to be a runner with a baby or toddler and you happen to like cool stuff, then this is the jogger for you to get.

That's all. :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

The only thing to fear is...muscle fatigue

If you would have come to me a year ago and told me that I would be training to run a marathon I wouldn't have laughed initially. I might have smirked and said, "Yeah sure just after I win the Nobel Peace Prize for the new book I'm writing." Well I should consider writing that nonexistent book cause I'm about to run my first marathon. Though I have run off and on (more off) for the past two years I didn't become serious about running and getting healthy until November of last year. Going against what experts say, I trained for my first half marathon (and first race EVER) in two months rather than the recommended four months. My goal was to finish in 2 hours and 15 minutes; I completed the race in 2 hours and 17 minutes. Two minutes shy of my goal but I didn't care. Now I had gotten the bug and was ready for the next race.

The only two races that I was really excited to run in were the Miami half marathon and the Space Coast half marathon. Since I did the Miami race the next one to tackle was Space Coast and it was perfect since the races were nine months apart, giving me plenty of time to train. The Space cost race is unlike any other race I read about. Because the race is held in the backyard of the Kennedy Space center, the entire race has a space theme. The medals are in the shape of various space shuttles (this year is honoring the Challenger), there are space props that go along the course and the volunteers wear NASA inspired uniforms. I mean how cool does this race sound? For someone who loves science and has now found a love for running, this could not have been a better combination.

Little did I know that there were plenty of other people out there waiting for the Space Coast race as well because on the first day of registration the half marathon was SOLD OUT! I was so heartbroken you would've thought someone had run over my dog. Would I actually have to wait until November of 2015 in order to run this race?! Then my wife came up with the brilliant idea, "Just run the whole marathon." WHAT!? We're talking 26.2 miles! I did want to run a marathon eventually but that would only be after I ran a handful of half marathons. I crafted this great plan to train for a full marathon so that the half would feel like a breeze but I never intended actually do one.

I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by so I went ahead and registered for the FULL marathon. What's so funny is that the minute I registered this feeling of yeah I can do this came over me. Two weeks after my first race I got into pre-training mode. I know the race is eight months away but I've already got the eye of the tiger. Think Rocky running up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, pumping his fists in the air at the top. Yeah I'm already at that point. So come with me on this fun journey and we can get pumped and run this race together. Of course I'll be doing all the training but you can do all the moral support. Whaddaya say!?